Our Board of Directors
Marlene Yeo, Director
Marlene Yeo, Pastor Marlene, has been serving the city of Haverhill and our broader region for decades. Over this time, she has served as:
Co-Founder / Elder – Renaissance City Church
Founder and Executive Director – He Cares for Me
Northern Essex Community College - Served a five-year term on the Board of Trustees
Founder and Lead Pastor CCF Ministries of Haverhill, Inc.
Founder and Executive Director – Somebody Cares New England
Elder: Overseer of Women's Ministry, Deliverance Ministry and Bible College teacher
Associate Pastor, Grace Ministries International, Brentwood, NH
Youth Pastor, Grace Ministries International, Brentwood, NH
Additionally, Marlene has served the Department Child Family Services " Greater Haverhill Children's Fund Board", "Haverhill Community Violence Prevention Coalition" and the Merrimack Valley Hospital “Community Health Benefit” committee, chaplain for “Serenity at Summit New England” detox center, and a five-year term on the Northern Essex Community College Board of Trustees and a two-year term on the Finance Committee.
In 2011 Marlene published her first book titled, “Where is God on Tuesday”. In 2017 Marlene published her second book, “He Cares for Me”. In 2020 Marlene published her third book, “He’s Looking for a Donkey”.
Marlene has birthed and raised 3 adult children and now has 9 beautiful, gifted, and brilliant grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. She has traveled to 13 nations, and she absolutely loves to meet new people and experience different cultures. She enjoys taking care of her family and home and loves to share her home with the gift of hospitality. She has had the privilege of hosting missionaries, prophets, and ministers from across the globe.
Tom Saab, Director
Tom Saab was the founder and director of Christian Film Festivals of America, Inc. Recognized as one of the most unique evangelistic ministries in the U.S. The organization rented two theaters in a cinema complex for eight days and nights and would screen multiple Christian films from morning until night. Various cities around the country hosted these Christian Film Festivals. There was a live closing message and altar call at the end of each show. Over the 19 years that Tom directed the ministry, approximately 400,000 men, women, teenagers, and children viewed the Christian films with close to 20,000 making public commitments to follow Jesus Christ.
Over the years, he became a co-executive producer/co-producer/script advisor for more than 11 films.
In past years, Tom began a prison ministry, where Christian movies were brought in and shown to inmates in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. He also organized and coordinated three evangelistic crusades:
The Merrimack Valley John Wesley White Crusade
The Tri-State Franklin Graham Crusade in Portsmouth, NH
The Greater Lawrence Louis Palau Crusade
In 2017, Tom organized and directed the first ever Salisbury Beach Christian Concert Series. It continues in 2018 with a second year of Christian concerts every Wednesday night beginning June 27 on the Salisbury Beach Entertainment Center stage. ChristianFilmProductions.org will be promoting specific Christian movies scheduled to open in theaters. Tom has over 40 years of experience in residential, multifamily, investment properties, commercial real estate, land, and superb experience in vacation and resort properties on the seacoast of MA and NH.
Mary Beth Abate, Board Vice President, Secretary
MaryBeth grew up in Newburyport and appreciates the beautiful seacoast area. She joins Seacoast Good News! with a passion for letting others know how good God is. With a large majority of people on the Seacoast not having a relationship with God, He looks to us to spread His word.
This passion has prompted her to volunteer for several non-profits including The Girl Scouts, The Exchange Club, Somebody Cares New England and The Bowery. Previously she was on the board of directors for Kulea Childcare Villages.
Peter Crossley, Board President, Treasurer
Peter is retired after over 40 years in various management roles in major corporations, including General Electric, Ernst & Young, and MassMutual Financial Group. He has held various leadership positions in the manufacturing industry, business management consulting, and information management. He has lived all over the country and traveled all over the world for business and pleasure. Peter also started and grew a successful small business in upscale home furnishings retail for several years. Peter has an engineering degree and an MBA.
Peter has also been actively involved in several church communities, start-ups, large and small Christian organizations, and other social services in various places over the years:
Somebody Cares New England, Treasurer, Board of Directors
Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center (domestic violence), Board of Directors, Finance Committee
Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, Advisory Board member
Fostering Hope (supporting foster children and families), Family Support Initiative volunteer
Hope Community Church, Finance Committee, Bible study leader
Christian Businessmens’ Committee (CBMC), Cleveland, OH, Executive Board
Providence Church, Avon, OH, church start-up, worship leader
Peter has three adult children and two grandchildren who live across the country. Peter and Janet live in Amesbury, MA and enjoy the beautiful scenery of our seacoast region.