Peter Crossley
God spoke to me personally way back at a Christian summer camp when I was just a teenager, which was a transformational event for me. I am now retired. Since camp, there have been lots of ups and downs in life like most people. God has always been a faithful companion to guide me, correct me when I have gone off the track, and pick me up to dust me off to get me back on track. He has answered so many prayers in unmistakable ways as I still learn to know Him better. I believe in His promise of eternity in heaven because of the sacrifice Jesus paid for me on the cross, which I accepted so long ago.
Mary Beth Abate
Growing up on the Seacoast, I was raised with God in my life. I believed He existed but I didn’t know what that really meant. From my teens until my early 50’s I felt lost. I always looked for more. More money, more food, more to drink, more from relationships. Nothing ever satisfied me.
In 2013 I started volunteering for a Christian non-profit. Through that, I began to realize that God is what I need in my life to feel satisfied. He is always there to fill whatever void I am feeling. He is steady when life seems unsteady. He is now my foundation.
My heart breaks for people struggling. Life is hard and it’s so easy to turn to things that aren’t good for us to try to fill a void. I feel such a huge need to tell people my story. To let them know that we are here for them and God is here for them. I’d love to be able to share that with our community.