News and Happenings at Seacoast Good News!

Seacoast Good News! is so happy again to announce that we have now been approved by the IRS as an official 501(c)3 non-profit organization with tax-exempt status.

Praise God!

Seacoast Good News! is so happy to announce the launch of our new website at

Seacoast Good News! is so happy to announce the launch of our new website at seacoast

You are here!

Newburyport Prayer Walk

Time and Date to be determined!

Check back regularly. Or Contact Us to be notified.

Christian Family Film Night at Hope Community Church, December 17th, 2021

People accepting the Lord and rededicating their lives to Christ at this event!

Hello team members and friends of Seacoast Good News!
This is a team update and a thank you! for your help, support, and prayers for our Christmas Family Film Night on this wonderful night. We are humbled by all of those who helped out, from the planning, promotion, technology, and delivery of our film presentation of "The Nativity Story", and the wonderful fellowship that followed. This was a lot of work and prayers by several dedicated brothers and sisters in Christ, (including the Hope Community Church youth group!), as our second significant gospel sharing outreach to our community.