How can I grow in my faith?
Did you pray the Believer’s Prayer? Do you mean it honestly and sincerely? If so, then welcome to the family of God! The Bible says there are angels in heaven rejoicing now because of your decision. This is just the beginning of a whole new life. You will undoubtedly want to know more about your new faith and how you can grow in Christian maturity. This new desire you feel is the Holy Spirit inspiring and encouraging you. Don’t quench the Spirit, but follow His leading. Here are some things you can do right away to get started in your walk with Christ.
Read God’s Word
God already knows absolutely everything about you. The Bible says that you were fearfully and wonderfully made by His hand in the womb. He has watched you all the days of your life. But God wants you to know Him much better. First and foremost, He has given us His Word, the Bible. The Bible is God’s message to His creation of who He is and how He cares for us. Many people find that starting out reading the “Gospel of John” in the New Testament is most helpful.
Follow His commands
Being a Christian means that you put aside the sins of your past. From this moment forward, you will strive to follow God’s commands and live according to Christ’s teachings. You will find this instruction all over the Bible. While this may seem difficult at first, remember this is a journey. Confess your sins to God, ask Him for forgiveness daily. Pray regularly for His direction and help, and as you feel stirred.
Find a church
Tell someone about your decision! Choosing Jesus is the most important thing you have ever done or ever will do. It is truly life-changing. When you tell someone else, you solidify your own decision and allow others to share in your newfound joy.
Mee with other Christians. You will need to find a Christian community to help you grow in your faith and support you when you struggle. Find a local Bible-believing Christian church where you can worship God regularly and get into an introductory Bible study group.
Make life changes
You will quickly find that many things you used to do no longer hold the same attraction in your life. Correspondingly, you will feel new desires for different things. All things become new!
Rethink your current life, your lifestyle, your friends, your language, your behaviors, and your priorities. Make changes over time. Look for God in all aspects of your life, your thoughts, and your views. Ask God to show Himself to you in ways you could never have imagined. He will and He will reward you with His unmistakable presence.
Share your faith
Jesus says to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
This is not the end; this is just the beginning!