Christianity is unique.

Absolute truth

The essential premise of Christianity is that God’s truth is “absolute” truth. That is, His truth found in His written word, the Bible, is true today, was always true, and will always be true for all eternity. God’s truth is not dependent upon where we live, our current culture, our time in history, our religion, or even whether or not we believe in Him.

God is who He says He is

To receive the benefit from your relationship with your parents, you had first to learn to accept their authority. And so it is with God. God is love, which is absolutely true. And God shows us His love by giving us rules and guidelines for living and behavior that He knows are in our best interest. After all, He created us, He should know. God is who He is. He is not some figment of our imagination or whatever we think He is or want Him to be. We don’t get to decide who God is. God has a definite personality. God is who He is, whether we accept Him or not. He is, He always was, and He will always be who He says He is in His word the Bible, nothing else.

A relationship, not a religion

Is God a majestic supreme being who lives in unapproachable light? Or is God a loving father, longing to have us know Him personally? Which do you think He is? Well, the Bible teaches us that God is actually both. God is the creator of all things. He causes the sun to come up in the morning and the stars to come out at night. The whole universe is God’s own creation. God is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting, and is not bound by time or space. There is nothing that was created that God did not create and there is nothing knowable that God does not know, and nothing that God cannot do.

At the very same time, God created each one of us out of His love for each one of us. God created each of us to know Him, to enjoy Him, and to be endlessly loved by Him all the days of our lives, into eternity. God desires that we each be in constant relationship and communion with Him through every step of every day. God loves when we come to Him to worship Him, to glorify Him, to interact with Him, and to enjoy being in His presence.

And, to demonstrate His love for us, God, in His good time, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into our world. Jesus Christ was God in the flesh who appeared to us in the form of a man so we could relate to God in a way we could better understand. Jesus taught us and showed us who God really is. Jesus established a new human-to God connection for us. Jesus gave us the key to a divine personal relationship with God that we can all have and enjoy today and forever. Would you like to have that amazing relationship with your creator?

Everything is upside down

Christianity is probably not what you think it is, and likely not what you’ve heard. The kingdom of God isn’t like what we understand today’s world to be at all. True Christianity turns everything you thought you knew about the world completely upside down. What the world exalts, Jesus lays down.

For example, Jesus says the weak shall be strong, and the strong shall become weak. The rich will become poor, and the meek will inherit the earth. The last shall be first, and the first shall be last. We must lose our life to save them. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves, forgive others, love and pray for our enemies, and turn the other cheek.

While Jesus was almighty God in the flesh, He came to us in the form of a helpless baby, born in the most humbling of circumstances. Jesus spent much of his time with the outcasts, the oppressed, the sick, the mentally ill, the poor and disabled, the vulnerable. Jesus’ followers thought Jesus would rule in their lifetime, and they would themselves become powerful. Instead, Jesus went voluntarily to the cross, suffered the pain and humiliation, and willingly gave up His life for others.

Jesus confronts those who uphold the corrupt and unjust power structures in our world today for their own benefit. On the contrary, Jesus says those who aspire to power, privilege, and wealth must first humble themselves and become servants to others. Those who have exploited others to become successful in this world will struggle the most with God’s demand for humility. Our society implores us to become self-sufficient and materially successful, but God commands us not to depend on ourselves, but to depend only on God. In return, God offers us the help we need to live the way He prescribes for us. He gives us everything we need. God’s strength is thereby made perfect in our human weakness.


How can I grow in my faith?